Radikal Linn LP12 or Palmer 2.5?

The motor of my 25 year old LP12 just conked out and I was planning to use this as an opportunity to get it keeled and radikalized, until I recently went to an audio show and heard a Palmer 2.5 with an Origami arm that sounded fabulous.  I’ve never heard a fully upgraded LP12, but I’ve been living with my Cirkus/Ekos/Linto/Lingo version for some time.  After hearing the Palmer, I thought it might be time for a new direction, but I understand the Linn upgrades to be quite dramatic. I probably won’t be able to do a A/B comparison, so if anyone out there has has a chance to directly compare the two, I would love to hear your thoughts.  This is going to be a big expenditure for me either way and it will likely be my last turntable, so thanks in advance for any insights you may be willing to share.

@jc51373 Now that I own a Linn LP12 Klimax spec model, and having heard a lot of tables since this thread started, all I can say to your post is YMMV. I had the choice of buying a Palmer, a Technics 1000, a Dr Feickert and even a TechDas V Premium ( at considerably more $$). I own the Linn, if that says anything.
Question..when was the last time you heard a current top-flite Klimax LP12...??? It really sounds nothing like your fathers’ ’70 model.

I have a Lp12 Kore Cirkus Lingo 3 with Ekos 1 sticky arm that sounds great.  Dialed in the arm and rebuilt Troika cartridge with Soundtraktor, Rega scale and Analog Magik software.  The table has stayed in tune for years and sounds great.  The key to tune I found was making sure the spring screws are perpendicular to the plate.  I adjust the springs while the table is on the jig upside down so I don't have to guess or feel that the springs are not twisted.  Biggest change ever to the sound was actually replacing the Linn din cable with a used traded in Revelation Audio din cable I picked up from my dealer.  Was not a subtle change.  Suggest do not overlook this as upgrade path.  Glad you are enjoying the LP12.   

@linnlp12  Indeed, the Linn din cable is a weak link. I don't use a Linn arm. ( This is just one of the reasons why). The arm i use has a Van Den Hul litz tonearm cable wired from the cartridge pins straight out to a junction box, there the cable is a Nordost Tyr phono cable going to the preamp. Big improvement on the Linn T Kable.