This is an old thread, and I fully acknowledge that..But in the event someone stumbles into the opinion above, please do your homework...Sound of anything we discuss here is subjective and individual to the listeners ears. But to say that a fiddlly Linn LP12 is in the same league as the Palmer is laughable...On looks alone the opnion here is toast. Both are two radically different designs, two difference categories of TTs. Most shopping for a Linn aren't shopping for a high mass table..The bias in this opinion is almost laughable...Feickert yes I will give the nod to those tables as a viable competitor, Linn, not so much. It's a sprung table with marketing scheme behind it for upgrades. Basically it's a giant hole in the ground you throw money into..I know they have their following, and to each their own...A Palmer however should NOT be compared to an LP12. There is no comparison.