@blisshifi can you explain the configuration of the battery systems you represent?
1. confirm that you are actually supplying AC to the amp.
2. If AC, what can you tell us about the specs on the inverter. Not aiming this comment at you, but I think it is false advertising to tell people they are running off a battery (sounds very stable DC) when in reality they are running off an inverter that they know nothing about and then ther amp is converting it back to DC. Household emergency power battery systems have basic inverters in them that do not put out particularly clean power. how do your inverters compare to, for example, the industry standard PA Audio regenerator system. the PS audio regenerator inverter is measured at .1% THD or better. for reference the electricity on the grid is 2-4% THD. (for the readers: Don't confuse this THD with the amplifier output THD which is a different measurement).
3. How do you isolate the charger? if the charger isn't isolated, then your inverter i is being fed by the charger and the battery is just standing by with no current flowing in or out.