If you are considering spending that kind of money then it is worth investing in a trip to hear them and a few competitors, even it it requires flying. Hopefully you have heard and like Walsh… but i owned a pair long ago and would not give them a second look… no more than Bose. That doesn’t mean they are wrong for you. But you should listen to Sonus Faber, Wilson, and B&W as a minimum before purchasing.
While listening elsewhere will not show you what they will sound like in your space, they will reveal their basic character. Also, speakers need a couple hundred hours of use to break in and you need to spend a lot of time positioning them and treating the room to get the most out of them. The positioning, unless you are an expert needs a week of listening… move a bit, a week or two of listening… move… a dozen times. So, just trying speakers for two weeks and deciding is a very difficult way to go.