An era cannot be defined by his geniuses nor his geniuses can be explained by the era where they are born...
I believe in a synchronisation between the genius and his era...
Bob Dylan was made by his era and he contribute to his era make-off , they were synchronised...
It is well explained by Richard Tarnas in "Cosmos and Psyche" ...
Our era is an era of corporates control to a level never seen in human history, than education, medias, arts, are conditioned at birth and all along to satisfy "the owners" and we are not these owners...
It is no surprize that for the last decades the spirit of the era was the mechanization of the minds...
How can a poet sing against A.I. as Dylan did against vietnam and the Beatles ?
Is there no motives to sing a rebel song now ?
The social fabric has been pulverized to pieces. Protestations are now expressions of divisions and not a union against our masters ...
Music, lyrics, cannot go where our mind did not go... They comply ...
And a cry which cannot be heard is never launched...
A cry can made a beautiful poetical moving lyric if it is not just a refusal cry but a cry of hope too...
I dont see much hope ...
We dont lack geniuses , in music or poetry, we lack the grip on our own destiny and in our social fabric...
There is nowhere in history great works of art without a firm grip by man in his social fabric...
Technocracy is not expression of a firm grip on the social fabric by the people but by very few and not to serve people but their own survival...