What's the best 6NS7 tube you have tried in your Atma-Sphere MP-3 preamp?

Which 6SN7 tubes have you tried and which one was your favorite?

Also, what's the best place to buy it?  Best service and best price?


I have not had the time to do a direct shootout, but here are my notes. I have an Aric Audio Transcend "Push Pull" EL34 amplifier that uses 3 6SN7s, and also Aric's Motherlode XL preamp which uses 2 6SN7s.

VT-231 JAN CBS Hytron 1952 Black Plate Clear Glass - Glorious top end, shimmer, detail, excellent vocals, with controlled if not powerful bottom end, great soundstage

5692 JAN CBS Hytron brown base, short glass 1950s - Very quiet almost black background, detailed, beautiful, great soundstage, tube that I left in for now

Sylvania 6SN7GT "Bad Boy" 3 hole black plates - Great all around tube, and less expensive than the VT-231s and 5962s. Thoroughly enjoyable, fun, warm but accurate bass, very direct, airy, comfortable, these are excellent in my preamp with my CODA S5.5 SS amp.

Linlai E-6SN7 - More of everything except they are quiet tubes. I held off buying these until mid 2024, because I kept hearing others had held off due to quality issues and lack of longevity. Those issues were probably cleared up earlier than that. They took about 100 hours to open up, and a little longer to really shine. Great detail, quick, vocals/midrange are beautiful, bass is tight and faster than other tubes. More "SS like" if there is such a thing, and don't have some of that tubey comfort, from the above and bad boys.....but damn they are awesome, especially in a tube preamp and amp.

Ray's Tubes - Like all of you, heard great reviews. Not sure I could stomach $500 a pair for a current production tube, especially when for the same money I could buy a Jan 5962 Red Base or 6SN7GT Black Glass Black Oval plates. I may however order a pair of the Ray's Select 6SN7......food for thought

@vthokie83 I would definitely like to hear how the Ray Select tubes are as they are about 1/2 or so of the Reserve. I might replace power tubes with Select tubes if they are still better than most of what is out there. 


I'll get a pair ordered, but unfortunately won't be able to test them for a few months at the earliest......much of my tube gear is packed away, waiting for my listening room to be completed

I remember in my Atma Sphere amps this is what I concluded.

1. Melz 6SN7

2. RCA red base VT 231

3 Sylvania 6sn7 chrome dome

4 RCA black plate

5.sophia electric 6sn7

6 Chinese shuguang 6sn7


Have not tried any others.  The Ken Rads get great reviews.  I always wanted to try those...