Location of compoments.


I'm reading Jim Smith's book "Get Better Sound". He notes that, if possible, do not locate your audio rack between the speakers, better off to one side. I would guess over 50% of audiophiles have their equipment exactly where he says it should not be placed. Needless to say, I would need 20' long speaker cables to reach the farthest speaker. Not very cost-effective or practical. 

Any thoughts? Do most have their electronics between the speakers?



My current setup is totally between the speakers, but back against the wall.  I bought a pair of long XLR cables and moved everything into an alcove to the left of the speakers and I lost a bit of soundstage on the left, so I moved everything back.

@mclinnguy  I thought that was the stairway to heaven.  
I saw the Who in 1981 in KC and, while he didn’t impale his hand, his fingertips were bleeding such that, by the end of the show, you could clearly see an arc of blood with each windmill (I had good seats).  

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