Recommendations For Upgrade AES/EBU Digital cable up to $500

Hello to all:

I am currently using a Neotech NEDI-4001AES/EBU cable between my transport and DAC (Schiit URD and Denafrips Pontus II 12th).  The cable is all cryo treated (including the connectors), and sounds basically good.  Lately I have begun to wonder about other AES cables that would upgrade my sound. I am looking for something that would increase transparency, resolution, and soundstaging, as well as being musical, balanced, and a bit on the warm side, and avoiding an analytical sound signature. I want to stay at around $500 or less, and deal with a company that accepts returns.  Does anyone have some recommendations as to an upgrade cable, and why you would recommend it. Thanks in advance!




Try DH Labs AES EBU cable from Upscale Audio if you need a return policy. Or check what’s available in TMR and call them for a recommendation 

I use this one between my grimm and my lampi. Love it. Don’t even think about any digital cable that isn’t at least silver plated.

Price is in $can so it is pretty close to your price range with the strong dollar.!/Signature-SE-Silver-AES-EBU-XLR-Digital-Cable/p/559064559

From the what you are saying I would think a high end used Cardas... Clear Beyond would fit the bill.

Check hifishark for a used Acoustic Zen MC2 — they do pop up fairly frequently and are easy to re-sell if it doesn’t work out cause they’re always in demand for good reason. I have one and think it could be exactly what you’re looking for and will kick the snot out of any cable that retails for $500. Read the unanimously glowing reviews, and best of luck.