Bryston BDA-1 DAC, any thoughts?

Curious about the Bryston BDA-1 stand alone DAC. Anyone own one of these or auditioned one?
How does the remote volume control work?
Using it with or without preamp?
correction :
coffeey, how many manufacturers you know of, endorse modding of their products and by implication ( at least to me) that means they have not done their best for their units?
I have owned the Benchmark and now own the Bryston BDA-1.
To my ears the Bryston(non modded)is more analog sounding than
the benchmark.I found the BDA-1 very close the Bryston's BCD-1
Definately to me the benchmark is too digital sounding,we
all listen different,muisicians,non musicians ect.
Try them both, afterall you are the one that has to listen to either one,NOW ABOUT THAT WARRANTY.
I really like my Bryston cdp,and if their dac is that close,
WHY MESS WITH IT.Just a note,I preferred the Bryston's cdp over a 8000.00 tube cdp(and I really wanted the tube cdp),
but MY EARS told me different.
Larry Greenhill has a review of the BDA-1 in the new (February 2010) issue of Stereophile. He concludes:
The Bryston BDA-1 let me enjoy the best-sounding digital playback I've ever heard in my listening room, outshining even Bryston's own BCD-1 cd player. This might be related to the fact that the BDA-1 has two Crystal CS4398s vs. the BCD-1's single chip.... I give the BDA-1 my heartfelt recommendation for the highest recommendation in Stereophile's "Recommended Components."
I haven't heard the BDA-1, or the Benchmark's for that matter, but fwiw I own a BCD-1 and I've been very pleased with it, listening mainly to classical music.

-- Al
i purchased a BDA-1 after chatting with Drubin about them vs. Berkeley.

have had it a year and have felt NO reason to upgrade at all. i like having all the digital inputs as well---since i run my BD and DVR through the Bryston....therefore only 1 set of analog interconnects are used in my system.

i also took it to a professional musician who put it in his rack/studio for a few days---to say he was impressed is an understatement.

computer audiophile reviews both and says the berkeley is a tad better, but better off saving 3k and buying more music.

like just about any other product that gets modded - it will void the manufacturer's warranty. Hopefully there will never be a need to repair it within the 5 year warranty period or at least the modder will hopefully honor the warranty...