Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?

Your experiences?


"The guy who organised the whisky tastings was very quietly spoken..."

That is a sure way of identifying either the smartest or most dangerous person in a room. Or both...

While I looooove Laphroaig, Lagavulin, and yes The Macallan, my favorite for a while now has been the ridiculously affordable Bunnahabhain 12. 

As far as blending goes, the practice has definitely gotten bad press over the decades, but there are plenty of really great blends available. It's simply a way to highlight the character/strengths of more than one whisky in a single dram. In fact, my "daily drinker" has been The Famous Grouse for years - a bit of peat, a bit of fruit, and a balanced finish that is so satisfying. 

@richardbrand +1 on the "no ice" rule, but I do add a single or sometimes two drops of distilled water to my glass. I was very skeptical of how this could possibly change the profile of a potable with such a strong flavor to begin with, but one taste test later I was convinced. 

FWIW, I use "pretty good" PCs in my system (all AQ ranging from their Z series through Monsoon), but I confess I have not done a listening test, blind or otherwise. I can say I am a sucker for a pretty face, and they do look nicer than stock PCs.

Johnny Walker blends malts all the time.


I don’t want to even read about blending single malts…I skipped that part of the thread…that’s just criminal…

I am old enough to remember when blending whiskies indeed was banned. I recall their was once a similar sensible law for power cables as well. Copper was copper and silver was silver, no mixing permitted. Now they are allowed to blend all sorts of metals together- blasphemy! Why did we allow them to rescind that law?

Now they have all sorts of mutts in the mix- tin plated copper, silver/copper, silver/gold, silver/gold/copper/palladium. What will they do next? use carbon and graphene? Gonna sound like shite.

They are all doing it! Shunyata, Nordost, Audioquest, and even the newer little family distilleries that have popped up over years- Snake River, Zavfino, Acoustic Zen have their own blends with their "signature" flavours. Bollocks!

I did find one with a sensible name that uses a single grain. Audio Sensibility, but I see they import their ingredients from a foreign country!

Oh well, might as well get adjusted with the changing times. Maybe there is something my palette can tolerate and find acceptable.

Yes they definitely do, I have an esoteric P10 transport and I was using the harmonic technology 10 gauge round copper OCC power cord and it was excellent sounding, and then I upgraded to the NeoTech the Grand rectangular OCC copper and what a difference. OCC single crystal wire is the best wire for audio bar none no matter what those expensive companies are charging for cheap OFC, When properly designed OCC single crystal wire will beat OFC every time.