Anyone upgrade to the Merason Dac1 mkii?

I was wondering if any Merason Dac1 owners have upgraded to the Mkii version? 

If so, I’d love to hear your impressions. How would you describe the audible differences? Would you recommend doing it? Was it an improvement or simply “different?” 


@agisthos  Just noticed your post and sent your questions into the manufacturer. 

 Here is there response:  "no summing via opamp or other means.  The RCA outputs correspond to the hot conductor of the balanced signal"

Hope that helps!  


Choice Audio

@wig hi, did you compare the Merason DAC1 mk2 with other dacs in the meanwhile? thanks


I owned a Tube SW1X Dac III DHT for a few years and loved it but the Merason matched its sound quality and added more top end sparkle. The Laiv Harmony Dac was also quite good in my system but didn’t have the transparency or soundstage width/depth of the Merason...
