You can say that there is a bit to unpack here, but to me, all that street thug bravado comes from very limited life experiences; poor education, little or no family structure, access to a world just outside there own of violence where gang life becomes family life. All of this regurgitated through some producer who finds a profit to be made, selling a product to the same audience. Something like that. And yet there are people, artists who break through this wall, this uphill battle and produce profound art.
Lennon on the other hand while not having an idyllic childhood, WWII, had a loving mother who did impress music, culture that extended outside just there world. He had access to some education and from this somehow, with a bit of luck timing, helped alter the music culture of a generation. "Across the universe" comes at the end of the Beatles life, written after a juggernaut of experiences few ever will know.