pc vs mac, eac vs itunes

Multi part question: (1) Thinking of going to a musicserver rather than a wall full of cds. I have not been a mac user and would lean toward a pc based system. However, I have not completely closed off the mac option. Main concern is not degrading or changing the data. I have heard that EAC is the best option to insure this and I am wondering if the mac options will ensure the same integrity. I am not concerned with cost of external drives, my plan is to store on a number of external drives and make backups to a spare set of external drives. Looking for feedback on comparison of EAC with a mac option (or is it possible to use EAC with a mac?). (2) Goal is to be able to access everything from sitting on the couch. Any suggestions - both pc and mac based - would be appreciated.
Seditious3, How does one determine what the correct offset is, and why does it matter?
You can determine the offset via a database of cd/dvd drives (via accuraterip website), or by using a known cd in accordance with EAC/dbpoweramp instructions.

As to why,


Most people who rip for archival purposes use the proper offset, which is one of the main advantages of EAC/dbpoweramp.
How much memory required per CD (or per 1000 CDs if that is easier) to store in WAV or AIFF? How much to store in a lossless compressed format?
FLAC (lossless compressed) is about half the size of wav (lossless uncompressed).
And 1 cd = about 500 megabytes uncompressed (wav), so 1000 is about 250 gig in wav, 125 gig in flac. Of course, it depends on the length of the individual cd.

I archive in flac. Or you could use windows media lossless or apple lossless, about the same size as flac.