South Korea POP is becoming a model globally ...
They manufacture the artist as well as the public by controlling all steps of the product...
The lyrics are no more created by an independant FREE poet or artist as Cohen, Dylan, Lennon, Mitchell etc were but the young talent is taken under a controlling corporate wings ...
Is their lyrics will be bad? No not necessarily bad...
Is their lyrics will be good ? No for the most of them...
A manufactured set of lyrics tailor made for an artist and a tailor made public all controlled by the corporation made the artist work and sell...
But forget poetry and inspired music...
Thats was Beato point as i understood it and my point ...
It is not and was never about taste or old age nostalgia...
The change in the music industry goes hand in hand with a change deeper in the social fabric threefold organisation( culture/education-political participation-economoic association ) this change consist in the reduction and flattening of the threefold layers of the social fabric by corporate powers and A.I. to a single totally controlled unique layer... Over our head and under our feet as individuals we are taken in charge... ( the events of the last years are revelatory about that )
There is no free poet in a hive...the lyrics of the hive are neither good or bad they are standardized and tailor made...
No nostalgia for me about Dylan or the Beatles , no hate of any young actual artist... I even mention one i just discovered above...
Simply most lyrics on the chart sucks in a way or in another...
This does not means that there is no more genius in music ...
Korean Music Companies Are Exporting More Than K-Pop: How They’re Changing the Global Music Business
The next step in K-pop’s growth may lie not in music itself, but in exporting K-pop’s disciplined development, production and promotion model.
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