Is it fine to connect a power strip with A/V to one input of the power conditioner?

I have a Shunyata Hydra Delta 6 and wondering if it’s fine to plug in one of its inputs a power strip where I have tv, Apple TV, blue ray player, streamer and power amp. Any recommendations?


@stereo5  thanks. In your case I wouldn’t have a doubt. My case is a bit different and wondering if I can plug tv, blue ray player, streamer and power amp on one power strip and plug that into one Hydra outlet. 

If the outlets in your Hydra are isolated it’s probably no problem and may be why Shunyata said it’s not a problem.  I’d check that for your specific model, but you can always just try it and see if it results in any degradation in 2-channel performance with the power strip plugged into the Hydra. 

My suggestion is to get a Furman PST-8 for all your non-essentials instead. Excellent surge protection and will keep the noisy appliances out of your cleaned zone.

While power conditioner quality may vary, it IS possible to inject new noise after the conditioner.  Wall warts, TV's, network gear, etc. should be outside of your boutique conditioner.  The Furman provides both excellent noise filtering and surge protection, not to mention convenience. :)

@erik_squires that was my other option. Wondering if the blue ray disc player could be within the hi-fi grouping.