Trends in value of vintage / used audio equipment?

Hello, folks. I wonder if there is any objective data to show trends in the value of vintage and used audio equipment (high-end or otherwise)? Does Audiogon crunch their Blue Book numbers to extrapolate any mobility in prices, up or down? Do people see prices stable or rising/falling for equipment? Thanks!

Ag insider logo xs@2xbraitman

If Nelson Pass puts a meter on his amps, that's good enough for me!  Of course, not on the First Watts!

My McIntosh setup is (MC 2125 amp, C28 pre amp, MQ 101 Equalizer, Node X streamer, XR 5 Mac Speakers, REL S 510 Subwoofer) is having its first service in 47 years, after all these years of providing enjoyment.  The sound in the right room and positioned properly is more realistic to me than much higher end systems I have auditioned.  Don't Knock McIntosh.  Wouldn't trade it for anything.

The problem with many sellers of high-end audio is that they don't actually have to sell. They can afford to keep ridiculously overpriced gear ads up for months on end, polluting resale sites for other users. 

This contributes to a paradoxical market where dealers are often more reasonable and accommodating than private sellers.

As for McIntosh, it's the rare high-end brand that neither blows smoke up their customers' butts nor assume they are absolute cretins. For that at least, they deserve respect. Plus, their amps are pretty darn good.