Accustic Arts Tube Dac II or Berkley Alpha DAC

Two different approaches. Would be interested in opinions. I currently have a Tube DAC II but it doesn't support hi rez like the Alpha Dac. Considering a change.
Hi Tabl10s, some reviews are interesting but to me that's all they are, never purchased or got rid of something because of an review way too many other things going on.

Too bad the reviewer did not compare the dac with the MBL transport, would have been interesting. You referred to it being a lousy review, can you provide a little more detail outlining such.

I personally find with the two tubes changed along with the fuses makes a difference. Also using different digital cables, I use Stealth and have both AES and BNC and prefer the AES connected with my MBL Ref 1621a transport, I also make use of the Stealth Dream PC's which for me are great.

I have tried allot of different dacs costing substantially more in my set-up and find this AA to be a great pce, it's a keeper and not going anywhere.
Maybe the use "Lousy" was a little strong. To me, it didn't flow and felt as though something was missing at the start. You can find other comments in "Critics Corner" on AA.

Do you have the "SE" version?
That's the thing with a DAC review, so many variables. Power cords, digital interconnects, transports, preamp type (no preamp), music used, etc. etc. All the way down the line.

I'm sure, depending on the variables, many good DACs could be made to sound bad.

For me, the review in question didn't go deep enough into the possibilities. Maybe a bit narrow perspective for my tastes.