Yep ….. . they DO walk among us,
I use CAM and USAM with good results, but the low-lifes need to be excised there too.., All the major audio forums have their incidences.
It’s a common sense thing to hedge against the nuisance bottom-feeders.
(1) In God we trust….. everybody else pays cash.
Up here in Canada, we have our nation-wide major banks in a linked robust and secure banking system that makes EFT cash transfers a fast and ultra-simple bank account-to-bank account point & click instant fundstransfer….EZPZ.
(2) Cross-border / international deals are best served for me using PayPay and absorbing its fees as a relative accepted cost of insurance burden.
(3) If ,,,,absence of forum prior good positive feedback, and absence of priorforum participation postings; or recent new member sign-up profiles is an added harbinger for risk management caution, All responses to my ads on CAM are restricted to card-carrying members only,
(4) Regardless …. If buyers or sellers suddenly introduce kitschy new requests to do the deal ….then it’s a fast sayonara. If they press their BS any further, its a profane slang pejorative derived from Genesis 9:7 and a quick blocking out….full stop.