Nordost Pulsar Point for a DAC?

Does it make any sense to put Nordost Pulsar points under a PS perfect wave DAC? Any suggestions? Thank you.
The only way to know is to try. I use Audio Points under my DAC. I tried Stillpoints which I love under the preamp, and the result under the DAC was not very good. I think the DAC is too light for the Stillpoints. The shelf and supports any component sits on will alter its sonics in a hi resolution system regardless of whether it contains moving parts or not.
Let the group know if you can hear a difference. I could not hear any on a variety of stands on my amps or other items other than my CDP.
Rhljazz is right -- only way to know is try.

Stillpoints cones made a tremendous difference under my Theta DAC. Once you hear what vibration does to music - it's hard to listen without the Stillpoints in place.