Is it just me or am I the only one that has had it with overly pushy audiophiles that push measurements as the end all be all. I’m not talking about healthy discussions on measurements but obnoxious ones that talk down to you because of the measurements of your system or equipment is not perfect for them? All cables and cords are snake oil to them if it doesn’t register on their meters? Am I the only that feels this way? 

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Real differences are always measurable. Otherwise it is not science but faith.

@calvinj OP - if, and only if change can at least theoretically affect the sound.
Change is Sun position in the galaxy is also a change. Neutrinos passing by have gravitational field that affect human brain. It is 10 in minus 100 power, but some may claim they feel it.

...If you know what to measure and have the means to measure it.

How does one measure imaging?

@spenav - there is nothing "unknown" in USB or Ethernet protocol. Your signed mortgage documents do not change with time and ripped music does not lose any bits sitting on a hard drive :-) Are you concerned that music file may change when you copy it between folders?