Another safe and surprisingly effective tweak is replacing any electrolytic cap with 2 x half-value caps. The ESR and other anomalies are reduced by half, plus if you turn one cap backwards, end for end, other anomalies are cancelled.
Interesting, I think this is the first time I hear this. To make sure I understand, you are recommending replacing, say, one 100uF bipolar with two // 50uF bipolars, correct? So, when you say "turn one cap backwards" do you mean just physically, as in making sure the writings on the caps run in opposite directions? Since both caps are non-polarized anyway.
As far as cancelling anomalies, is that because bipolar caps are internally non-symmetrical?
I had to // caps in my rebuild because original values were unavailable. The pairs are not equal in value, but close enough that hopefully the smaller ones don't act as bypass. Also, I never thought of swapping ends because I hadn't read this post yet
Thank you again for sharing your knowledge.