Equalizer in a Hi Fi system

Just curious to hear everyone’s opinions on using an equalizer in a high end hi fi system. Was at work tonight and killing time and came across a Schitt Loki max $1500 Equalizer with some very good reviews. What are some of the pros / Benefits and cons in using one. Just curious. BTW. I’m talking about a top of the line. Hi end equalizer. Mostly to calm some high frequencies and some bad recordings. 

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Unfortunately I don’t anymore. Mike quit supervising the other company s work around 2018 and they changed production. Changed faceplate. Sounded inferior from that point on. 

I believe that i previously said that I used to use a top of the line DBX equalizer. I no longer need it since my room is completely treated and is semi-anechoic.   

I will be putting it on eBay soon, or if you are interested, you can reach out to me directly. 

Good luck. 

Haven’t posted here in a while. While I haven’t explored digital EQ yet, I HAVE made some cable upgrades and replaced my aging ML ATF transducer tweeters to great benefit. I am hearing more detailed presence region, more extended airier treble, dialing in less EQ, and hearing tighter more articulate and more punchy dynamic bass. Overall dynamics clarity immediacy are better with cable upgrades. I have learned through loaners from TCC that my equipment favors single conductor 10 AWG. There is not a single stock cord left. Oh, the upgrades are one DiMarzio M-Path 3 x 12 AWG conductors on the PEQ-1 and Audience Forte F3 everywhere else. The 1.5 M digital coaxial Shunyata Theta cable for my Aries has also contributed nicely. Great stuff!

All these changes- new power cords, new digital spdif cord, and last but not least new tweeters- have the system fully saturated to the point to where the EQ settings are much better. And less. No more tricks like needing to bump up mids slightly and 120 hz slightly while toying with 15 kHz and smidge down at 5 kHz. Now it’s simply using 40 hz for bass and 20 kHz for treble. Everything else dead flat. If I DO on some darker recordings need bigger treble I switch to 15 kHz and back 5khz down 1/3 dot, leaving all the mid dials flat, and NOW with the added power and more saturated mids it sounds PERFECT, without any lower treble / upper mids suck out. In conclusion, the EQ interacts perfectly and better than it used to, even, to accomplish my listening ends. 
I made the discovery that when you push multiple other dials above flat even a little, like 1/3 dot, that you cannot drop 5 kHz by as much before the presence region is impaired. Guess it’s all relative and makes sense. But with cheaper cords when I set 120 hz, 500 hz, and 2 kHz all flat like I am now, it sounded recessed and a touch poor. Am sorry so long winded but wanted to elaborate on how better cabling improved mids and dynamics on the EQ and simplified settings. There’s also less overdrive (potential for distortion) as well, as all dials are set less and the resultant EQd sound is now only slightly louder than tape loop OUT (true bypass). Am very very happy with these changes. 😊🎶