So I have been saving the best day for last. This is when everything sounded great. I had to start early to get as much in as possible. Many rooms would be packing up but 3-4 pm.
I went into the Usher Room first. They had a great location. I wrote about it above, but he was running the Berning Amps this time. These are great amps. And the Exemplar Ushers (definitely worthe the extra money for the Exemplar modification) are more detailed and more open sounding. What a deal for these speakers.
There already has been some mention about the Veloce Electronics. Battery Based preamp & amp which uses a Hypex Module. They used them on Kharma speakers. This sounded really good. This is the 1st time I have heard Kharma speakers sound really to my liking. Funny as Kharma has their own Hypex module amplifier. I don't get the price though. If I remember 10K for a Hypex based amplifier is too much. They did sound natural and musical. Almost tube like w. power. A sound I could live with but long term listening is a must as it might have too much of a signature. This is not based on what I heard, but based on the design. They were using an Audio Aero CDP which I have owned and loved. For some reason the smaller Kharmas always sounded better than the larger ones in the shows I have heard them. I heard them large Kharmas with Tenors newest electronics in Germany. They sounded very good, but so did these for a fraction of the price.
I then spent some time listening to the Moscode Room w. the Von Schweikert VR5 anniversary speakers. Something didn't fit, maybe the room. As for the sound, it was very forward and agressive. The smaller Unifield 3 speakers are incredible. I heard the Unifield 3 speakers a little later driven by a Push Pull 300B Audiospace integrated amplifier. What a great system. Got me seriously thinking of trying a push pull 300B or one of the 845/300B combination amps. Something magic in that setup. And it fits in small rooms.
I heard the Focal room w some small Focal speakers driven by Marantz separates. This sounded OK. Not a lot of detail, but musical. I was thinking of a Marantz integrated for a separate system, but now realize it isn't me. The sound is too smooth.
The Emerald Physics / Wyred for sound room was one I wanted to hear. I never listened to an open baffle design. There are some limitations w. open baffles. You can hear the rear wave messing w. the front wave. Also the Wyred for sound amps are class D amps w. the typical class D sound. I find class D (except for the Spectron's newest amps) to be missing something in terms of communicating the emotion behind the music.
I then stumbled on to what I consider one of the best sounds at the show. The Symposium Speakers driven by Emotive Audio top of the line amps running 50 Watts from 2 6550 tubes and the top of the line preamp. They were running real to real. These speakers are big & ugly IMO. They just sound incredible. Something about full range ribbons. I gave them a go w. some familiar music and they did great. They need a long wall for setup which is a problem. They also image incredibly wide w. detail and dynamics aplenty. Plenty of speed. Just missing a bit of the warmth and body. I wish I heard them w. SET since they were using just 50 watts of 6550s. The Vita Mono amplifiers. The preamp was the Epiphinea w. the 300B tube. My friend felt bass was lacking. Tough to tell since it was a show and the bass towers are huge. This speaker could be one of the best if your room can handle it. The best part was the room was empty. Speaking w. the designer he mentioned he uses a Wavac amplifier in the design process. I wonder what more these speakers can do.
I sat in the room for 1/2 an hour. But there were more rooms to go, some on my must listen list.
Red Wine integrated and WLM speakers. A lot of talk about both of these products. I heard smaller WLM speakers before. They were great. These were a size or 2 larger. All I can say is they sounded better in Munich. That also tells you that a lot depends on the setup.
I then heard Tidal speakers for the 1st time. I heard them in 2 rooms. The more expensive speakers w. some electronics I didn't know in 1 room. These are beautiful finished speakers. The wood work is gorgeous. Something special. My other favorite as far as woodwork is Odeon.
Back to the Tidal room w. Ceramic drivers. These were using Tidal electronics as well. The model of the speaker was the Contriva.
Then in the adjoining room were a slightly smaller set of Tidal speakers. These are called the Pianos. These had Lamm M1.2 amps, w. the DCS Puccini as source. I don't know anything about price but this was a great sounding room. As a system it just worked. Both rooms were the same size, but maybe the smaller speaker was better in the room. This is the 1st time I liked the Lamm M1.2s. I love the ML2.1s but the 1.2s always left me lacking at shows w. Kharma. Not now. They sounded great. Dynamic, not dark, but not in your face. Great bass. A nice system. The Puccini obviously is excellent, as many have been saying. A nice liquid sound, that is not to warm and didn't have any bloat.
Now on to another great room. A room I wanted to hear for a while. Lets go down the line, Brinkman table, Lyra Titan (not I), EMM's latest 2 channel w. transport, and Lamm ML3s (one of the world's great amps) and Coltrane Speakers. This room had it all. The Lamms w. only 32 watts put out bass. Amazing. Body, inner detail. It is all there. Another great room. Between the Symposium, & this room I would want .........BOTH. Go figure. A diamond tweeter that I liked. A diamond midrange. The sound was natural........but, I didn't like the sound w. the new EMM electronics. It became a bit bright. Maybe not broken in, but I have never heard an EMM sound bright. I own a Titan I and have heard a Lamm Phono w. Titan combination many times (in fact the Lamm phono was in use in a few rooms, and the Titan I, Orpheus & Skala were in quite a few rooms) Back to the sound w. vinyl. Miles Davis. He sounded in the room. Full scale classical. Sounded real. (I heard Miles sound poor in a room in the Hyatt the day before). And then they played some Stevie Ray Vaughn. Wow!!!!. This is it. Why we go to the shows. To hear great systems strut their stuff. More than 1/2 of them flopped but a few did well enough to make it worth the time.
A little anticlimactic but Daedelus Audio w. Manley sounded good. Musical and natural. I could see how some might actually love the sound.
Next is REference 3A Episodes w. ASL 845 tube amps. Reference 3A is one of the great speaker bargains. I have heard them many times and loved them. This time I didn't love them. I just liked them. Not sure why. Maybe the music. I loved the little ones and still they are probably the best stand mounted 2 way I have ever heard for the money.
Next came another very good room. Actually one of the better turntables. The Spiral Groove. 2 of them. One w. a Triplanar and one w. a prototype Spiral Groove. They don't look it but they are quite expensive. They do sound very very good. I want to try the arm on my Raven AC. The counterweight is unique as is the antiskate mechanism. They were using Sonics by Joachim Gerhard speakers. If any of you remember Audio Physic speakers. The Sonics are equally good and worht your consideration. He is one of the great speaker designers. The room is musical, and has flow. The emphasis is musicality over hifi. A nice balance.
I then heard for the 1st time Spectron Musician IIIse amps w. some speaker that I never heard of. These are quite good. I tried to detect a signature that i find anoying with some of the Class D competition. If anything the sound had warmth and body. These amps are worthy of consideration. I didn't know enough about the rest of the system, but I have heard quite a few Class D amps impose their signature instantly. These didn't. They had these room tweeks all over the place that as usual cost much too much money. Do they work? A little. I just wish people charged reasonable prices and not try to become millionaires overnight.
I am going to finish day 3 later. Still a few more items to go through and some recap.
I went into the Usher Room first. They had a great location. I wrote about it above, but he was running the Berning Amps this time. These are great amps. And the Exemplar Ushers (definitely worthe the extra money for the Exemplar modification) are more detailed and more open sounding. What a deal for these speakers.
There already has been some mention about the Veloce Electronics. Battery Based preamp & amp which uses a Hypex Module. They used them on Kharma speakers. This sounded really good. This is the 1st time I have heard Kharma speakers sound really to my liking. Funny as Kharma has their own Hypex module amplifier. I don't get the price though. If I remember 10K for a Hypex based amplifier is too much. They did sound natural and musical. Almost tube like w. power. A sound I could live with but long term listening is a must as it might have too much of a signature. This is not based on what I heard, but based on the design. They were using an Audio Aero CDP which I have owned and loved. For some reason the smaller Kharmas always sounded better than the larger ones in the shows I have heard them. I heard them large Kharmas with Tenors newest electronics in Germany. They sounded very good, but so did these for a fraction of the price.
I then spent some time listening to the Moscode Room w. the Von Schweikert VR5 anniversary speakers. Something didn't fit, maybe the room. As for the sound, it was very forward and agressive. The smaller Unifield 3 speakers are incredible. I heard the Unifield 3 speakers a little later driven by a Push Pull 300B Audiospace integrated amplifier. What a great system. Got me seriously thinking of trying a push pull 300B or one of the 845/300B combination amps. Something magic in that setup. And it fits in small rooms.
I heard the Focal room w some small Focal speakers driven by Marantz separates. This sounded OK. Not a lot of detail, but musical. I was thinking of a Marantz integrated for a separate system, but now realize it isn't me. The sound is too smooth.
The Emerald Physics / Wyred for sound room was one I wanted to hear. I never listened to an open baffle design. There are some limitations w. open baffles. You can hear the rear wave messing w. the front wave. Also the Wyred for sound amps are class D amps w. the typical class D sound. I find class D (except for the Spectron's newest amps) to be missing something in terms of communicating the emotion behind the music.
I then stumbled on to what I consider one of the best sounds at the show. The Symposium Speakers driven by Emotive Audio top of the line amps running 50 Watts from 2 6550 tubes and the top of the line preamp. They were running real to real. These speakers are big & ugly IMO. They just sound incredible. Something about full range ribbons. I gave them a go w. some familiar music and they did great. They need a long wall for setup which is a problem. They also image incredibly wide w. detail and dynamics aplenty. Plenty of speed. Just missing a bit of the warmth and body. I wish I heard them w. SET since they were using just 50 watts of 6550s. The Vita Mono amplifiers. The preamp was the Epiphinea w. the 300B tube. My friend felt bass was lacking. Tough to tell since it was a show and the bass towers are huge. This speaker could be one of the best if your room can handle it. The best part was the room was empty. Speaking w. the designer he mentioned he uses a Wavac amplifier in the design process. I wonder what more these speakers can do.
I sat in the room for 1/2 an hour. But there were more rooms to go, some on my must listen list.
Red Wine integrated and WLM speakers. A lot of talk about both of these products. I heard smaller WLM speakers before. They were great. These were a size or 2 larger. All I can say is they sounded better in Munich. That also tells you that a lot depends on the setup.
I then heard Tidal speakers for the 1st time. I heard them in 2 rooms. The more expensive speakers w. some electronics I didn't know in 1 room. These are beautiful finished speakers. The wood work is gorgeous. Something special. My other favorite as far as woodwork is Odeon.
Back to the Tidal room w. Ceramic drivers. These were using Tidal electronics as well. The model of the speaker was the Contriva.
Then in the adjoining room were a slightly smaller set of Tidal speakers. These are called the Pianos. These had Lamm M1.2 amps, w. the DCS Puccini as source. I don't know anything about price but this was a great sounding room. As a system it just worked. Both rooms were the same size, but maybe the smaller speaker was better in the room. This is the 1st time I liked the Lamm M1.2s. I love the ML2.1s but the 1.2s always left me lacking at shows w. Kharma. Not now. They sounded great. Dynamic, not dark, but not in your face. Great bass. A nice system. The Puccini obviously is excellent, as many have been saying. A nice liquid sound, that is not to warm and didn't have any bloat.
Now on to another great room. A room I wanted to hear for a while. Lets go down the line, Brinkman table, Lyra Titan (not I), EMM's latest 2 channel w. transport, and Lamm ML3s (one of the world's great amps) and Coltrane Speakers. This room had it all. The Lamms w. only 32 watts put out bass. Amazing. Body, inner detail. It is all there. Another great room. Between the Symposium, & this room I would want .........BOTH. Go figure. A diamond tweeter that I liked. A diamond midrange. The sound was natural........but, I didn't like the sound w. the new EMM electronics. It became a bit bright. Maybe not broken in, but I have never heard an EMM sound bright. I own a Titan I and have heard a Lamm Phono w. Titan combination many times (in fact the Lamm phono was in use in a few rooms, and the Titan I, Orpheus & Skala were in quite a few rooms) Back to the sound w. vinyl. Miles Davis. He sounded in the room. Full scale classical. Sounded real. (I heard Miles sound poor in a room in the Hyatt the day before). And then they played some Stevie Ray Vaughn. Wow!!!!. This is it. Why we go to the shows. To hear great systems strut their stuff. More than 1/2 of them flopped but a few did well enough to make it worth the time.
A little anticlimactic but Daedelus Audio w. Manley sounded good. Musical and natural. I could see how some might actually love the sound.
Next is REference 3A Episodes w. ASL 845 tube amps. Reference 3A is one of the great speaker bargains. I have heard them many times and loved them. This time I didn't love them. I just liked them. Not sure why. Maybe the music. I loved the little ones and still they are probably the best stand mounted 2 way I have ever heard for the money.
Next came another very good room. Actually one of the better turntables. The Spiral Groove. 2 of them. One w. a Triplanar and one w. a prototype Spiral Groove. They don't look it but they are quite expensive. They do sound very very good. I want to try the arm on my Raven AC. The counterweight is unique as is the antiskate mechanism. They were using Sonics by Joachim Gerhard speakers. If any of you remember Audio Physic speakers. The Sonics are equally good and worht your consideration. He is one of the great speaker designers. The room is musical, and has flow. The emphasis is musicality over hifi. A nice balance.
I then heard for the 1st time Spectron Musician IIIse amps w. some speaker that I never heard of. These are quite good. I tried to detect a signature that i find anoying with some of the Class D competition. If anything the sound had warmth and body. These amps are worthy of consideration. I didn't know enough about the rest of the system, but I have heard quite a few Class D amps impose their signature instantly. These didn't. They had these room tweeks all over the place that as usual cost much too much money. Do they work? A little. I just wish people charged reasonable prices and not try to become millionaires overnight.
I am going to finish day 3 later. Still a few more items to go through and some recap.