When you buy a LP12, you need to remember that you are essentially buying a modular and upgradeable system. The fact that the table was originally built in 2000, or even earlier, would not concern me. The main upgrade path for LP12’s is as follows…1) bearing, 2) subchassis, 3) and this can be swapped with 2 in my opinion, is the power supply, 4) tonearm and lastly 5) cartridge. Albeit, I have recently acquired a new corner braced plinth, which was a nice upgrade…and might slot in between 3 and 4.
If you are hampered by a non-concrete floor that has any way of flexing, then I would suggest a wall mount platform, or if that is not possible, a very lightweight stand. The Trampoline 2 baseboard helps greatly in this manner, but it is not perfect if you have floor issues…or standing wave issues.
As to set up…don’t do it yourself. Period. I know there are folk who were prior auto mechanics and the like who will disagree, but a great set up by a Linn LP12 specialist is well worth it. The old thinking that the table floats out of set up once dialed in correctly, is simply not true anymore.
Lastly , I would suggest getting exact particulars as to the specifics of the table you are considering. So far, it seems to be a good deal, but it should still have a good set up done on it regardless.