What actually determines volume power? Is it watts?

I have a Yamaha AS-3200 amp. It sounds beautiful and has a really good open sound. The problem is I like my music loud since I live alone and typically I have the volume 70% and with some recordings it is not high enough. I need a amp that has more power/volume.

The AS-3200 is 200 watts at 8 ohms. I see many amps, even much more expensive ones (like the Yamaha M-5000), are also at around 200 watts per a channel at 8 ohms. I am going by 8 ohms for my speakers and also the worse case scenarios. Does this mean if I had a more expensive class AB amp like the M-5000 I would still be listening at 70% volume and getting the same power/loudness? If not, then what actually determines the volume power if not watts?



A preamp / source with more gain might help alleviate the perception you have described. But it’s hard to narrow it down without knowing what else is in your system besides that Yamaha amp.



With the Yamaha, my normal listening level is at 70% and if I go any higher then you can tell it is underpowered.

Starts clipping?

If that's the case, I would think that more gain would just make it start clipping at a lower volume knob setting.


I'm saying that you'll only get 3dB louder, which is very little, by going to 200 Watts vs. 100 Watts. 

If you are really constrained in your dynamic range due to power, you are going to need more than that big of a jump to get to happy.