Question about high current amps versus "not high current amps"

Recently I read a reply to a post about a certain speaker, and the person who replied typed that (and I am going to paraphrase somewhat) the speaker required a high current amp to perform well and it wasn’t the WPC that was important.

Sorry as I am afraid that these are probably going to be  "audio electrical questions for dummies," but here goes:

I vaguely remember being taught the PIE formula, so I looked it up online for a quick review and if I am understanding it correctly,

P (power/watts) = I (current/amps) x E (electromotive force/voltage) .

My first question would be: if I am understanding that correctly, how can wpc NOT matter since watts are the sum of current x voltage? I mean if you have so many WPC, don’t you then HAVE to have so much current?

My next question would be, if I am understanding PIE correctly, is E/voltage going to be a fixed 110 vac out of the wall, or is that number (E) determined by the transformer (so it would vary by manufacturer) and it is that (different transformers that are used in different amps) going to be the difference between a high and a lower current amp?

Or am I completely off base thinking that P is wpc and P is actually the spec in my owners manual that lists "power consumption as 420 watts operate 10 watts stand by"?

And lastly, what would be an example of a high current amp and what would be an example of a low current amp?




Speakers are current driven complex impedance devices. They are not a purely resistive load. Because of that complex impedance speakers require more current at some frequencies tha others.Ohms law applies, but only at a given frequency will the calculations be accurate. 

Amplifiers ability to deliver current to loudspeakers is gated by the current carrying capacity of the output stage transistors or tubes and what the power supply can deliver.. Bigger power supply caps simply give more reserve under demanding loads within the limits of the output devices.

To protect the output stage, some manufacturers implement current limiting that  prevents the amp from trying to deliver more current than the output stage can safely deliver. This happens especially at low frequencies and high volumes, but the audible impacts are throughout the spectrum. 

Power supplies, especially the capacitors, and the output transistors are the most expensive components in an amp. This why 'watts per dollar' is a terrible metric it inevitably leads to amps that measure well on the bench, but donr sound  very good, especially when pushed, or when driving demanding speakers.

Finally speakers generate their own current, called 'back EMF' when a coil moves in a magnetic field. This has to be absorbed and dissipated also by the output stage of the amp, so more load on the output to be accounted for. This also where the output impedance of the amp comes into play, as that determines the damping factor. 

Bottom line, high current amps are in general, a good thing, but not the only thing

@mclinnguy ,

Not hypothetical ones, that’s reserved specifically for us in the flesh he-men!

😎 💪

@erik_squires ,

Nice and simple, I actually followed along!

So, an amplifier shouldn't even be called an amplifier. Isn't it just a  big fancy switching regulator?