Take a look at my Stereo Times review on the #16, it's in the archives now, for the details concerning its sonic perspective.
Coda 16 or Pass Labs x350.8 with Magnepan 20.7
Curious with members experience with Coda16 amplifier and Magnepan 20.7. Intrigued by its 100 watts in Class A, but lower overall power than the Pass. The Pass Labs x350.8 work really well, bring the 20.7 to life with 350 w/8ohm and 700 w/4 ohm. Was curious how the Coda 16 with 150w/8 ohm and 300w/4 ohm compares. Recognizing it has 100 watts in Class A vs 16 for Pass. My experience with Maggies love high current power, the more the better.