Coda 8 amp

My 25 year old Audio Research VT130SE amp is going in for repairs. I’ve already replaced the tubes in the last year and had to replace some defective ones a second time (all came from Audio Research). I’m thinking about replacing it with a new solid state amp. so I don’t have to deal with such things. I’m considering the Coda 8, which I’ve never seen but comes highly recommended. It’s a fairly new model and I haven’t found lots of information. There’s one very positive review online, the company has been very responsive and helpful  in providing information and a dealer who I trust recommended it. My other equipment includes Audio Research LS22 preamp, PH 3 phono stage and KEF Reference 5 speakers. I would like to keep these things so I’m hoping a new solid state amp would go well with my other equipment.  I’d welcome any input, including experience from any Coda owners. Thanks. 

@brownsf No, just keep the KRELL it is a great match for the KEF. I love the way that KRELL sounds, and I am normally not a fan of warm smooth sound, but that KRELL DUO really works for me. The #16 is not as smooth or warm and you may not like it as much with the neutral KEF.

I may get a more neutral DAC to add to your system, so you have the Direct Stream and something else to have some variety, especially with the KRELL. I would suggest the Schitt Yggi+ OG but they do not sell it anymore. My too hot on top Benchmark DAC3B is nice on the KRELL (and cheap).

It is all about system matching. My Yamaha NS5000 speaker likely is not a great match with the KRELL. My #16 was not as great with the NS5000 as it is now until I added the Yggi+ OG DAC. Prior to that I found it a bit too warm with the Yggi+ LIM DAC and was thinking I should get another amp. Glad I did not do that.



Thanks for the detailed discussion of the amps.  In my system when listening to the A21+, it was as you mentioned, the highs of the A21+ just seemed a bit different (your definition of thick nails it).  Not hot, but I preferred my older but recently modded monoblocks and sold the Parasound.

From your description, the Wotan sounds like a great amp.  It won't be a surprise if I end up with one.


I ran a Coda #8 with my KEF Reference 1 speakers for a couple years, it will drive yours with ease. Mine is up for sale right now, not because I don’t like it, I just stumbled on some new gear and will stick with it for a while.