No response from Aurender customer support

I purchased two Aurender a1000’s. They are nice units, but I sent two emails to over the last few weeks and have received *zero* response (I checked junk mail as well). Is there a better way to contact them, or is their customer service just completely unresponsive? It's very disappointing considering I just spent $7k with them.


Just an update.  I sent a support request through the app and also sent annother email (a total of three) a week ago. Nothing. Sorry but Aurender customer support is a zero from my perspective. I’m sort of pissed. 

Post removed 

Very surprised with your experience.


There’s a Conductor app upgrade in the app store. Try it and see if it resolves your issue with disabling Spotify.
As to selecting a streaming service upon starting the app I personally don’t see a big deal about it but you can submit a new feature request.

They also have an official Aurender discussion forum over on audiophilestyle under MUSIC SERVERS. I know Aurender's tech support hangs out there and have answered my questions before.

I found Aurender support to be hit or miss so don’t feel alone.  Never did get a response through the app so I would email directly.  With direct emails responses would normally come in a couple of days.