Are you buying used or new? Its a shame you have the preamp section in the 390 because I would probably suggest the 600i v2 if you can get it used. I sold my v1 for so cheap compared to what its worth, and its great. There is of course the 860 if the budget allows and you want to stick with Moon. Other considerations would be pass labs x150.8. Cables, look at the discussion I am having in this chat with ericba. He recommends Luna cables.
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- 47 posts total
@mahler123, when claiming a long term and well respected company is going out of business, it would be nice to back up your claim with a source... @skads_187, the 740P+250.8 make a very nice pre/amp pair! I ran that pair with a 380DSD DAC for many years and it was great. I've never heard the 390 but assume it would sound at least as good as the 380 which I found to be very musical and easy to listen to. I ultimately upgraded from the 380 as it was not the last word on resolution and dynamics, but the only two DACs I've owned I find more musical and relaxed was an R2R Mojo and the Meitner MA3. I personally think the Moon DACs are great if you are not an ultimate resolution hound and just want a very musical presentation. |
- 47 posts total