Declare the correct value on the Customs form?

What do you think?  What would you do?

Fortunately at long last bought a ‘holy grail’ LP for $1,200.  It arrived safe from Europe to the USA.  It is clearly not as described.  The Seller has asked the return be declared a $50 value on the Customs form.

Thank you for your thoughts, ideas and/or advice…



Yes, he has now sunk, like the Titanic.


Yes, he has gone with his violin and is now playing a different tune. I see you noticed in my first post on this subject it was a call out then…. ‘fun’ and ‘vinyl’

So now reality has unfolded a bit more and this is what has happened so far…

Long reasoning omitted, $1,200 was the declared value on the package.

The package was then held in the carrier’s warehouse in this major European country for a week.  Why?  Because Custom’s required a ‘Proof of Delivery’ to the USA form.  The Seller provided this.

Customs is now charging an Import Tax.  Yes, even though the paperwork, including two sets of original shipping documents, clearly shows the LP went from A to B and now back to A.  The rate to the Seller will be between 7% and 19% so between $84 and $228.

Thank you for all your thoughts and I will keep you posted! 


More innuendo in your reply and we know not why?


What ‘major European country’ has all this ‘red tape?’

It would be helpful to let this free advice mean something.

Why keep this info out of the answer?. I mean, it’s not a card game and you have to keep the cards ‘tight to your chest’. Name and shame this countries customs system.


That’s my logic as your update appears to be more subterfuge than anything else.

Withholding important facts for no apparent reason, and just like before, the name of this ‘holy grail’ LP

The mind boggles!