I'm new to Step Up Transformers

     I've recently become aware of the existence of SUTs (step up transformers). My initial thought was " why do I need an SUT when my phono preamp (Zestos Andros PS-1) has a circuit for Low Output MC cartridges?
     But many people seem to think that an SUT plugged into the MM channel of the phono stage will be a massive upgrade. I'd love to hear the opinions of anyone who has experience with SUTs. Thanks!


I have a Pro-ject Tube Box DS2, an external phono stage that I run through my tuner line stage on my preamp.

Yeah it’s weird but it works fabulously.

Do I get a prize when I hit 1,000 comments? 

Maybe a free guided tour of every linear inch of my audio circuitry, perhaps? 

"Which SUT are you using with the Hyperion ?

Have you compared many ??"

My current favorite is the Consolidated Silver Wire SUT.  I also have a Bob's Devices.  Both are external and are 10:1.  I also had an internal one in my previous Conrad-Johnson phono stage.  That covers the last 10 years or so.  I've been at this a long time and have had others, Ortofon, for example, Denon too, years ago, but with different cartridges and TT/arm setups that hardly are pertinent today.  I should also mention that for several years now I have settled on Audio Sensibility Statement silver interconnects.  Interconnects in and out are pertinent and consistency is important in evaluating differences.

When it comes to hifi hobby, matching the correct stuff together is what creates nice synergy. One might have 2 excellent sounding pieces but they might not sound great together. Exploring external SUT’s is just one of the many unique things people do to get the best performance from their vinyl setup. I own 7 SUT’s and have listened to about 15 different ones in my system. They all sound very different.  I heard some very nice ones but in the end, I settled on a SUT that uses 50’s transformers made by Thordarson. Just like everything in this hobby, there is a world of SUT’s and makers of them out there for you to try. No easy way around this once you open that door. Good luck and you’ll see that they do make a difference.