I’m definitely getting hit by this becasue I’m well over the $5K threshold. I should go check PayPal for the forms.
Playing with crypto in 2020 was kind of a nightmare for taxes - LOTS of transactions, short term vs long term gains etc. I learned the little bit of accounting necessary, chose the basis (FIFO, HIFO etc) and wrote my own code to compile the results which I fed into TurboTax. Also had my code generate the IRS forms but didn’t end up needing them - TurboTax has its own inputs for that. Carried the accounting forward the next 3 years, and now I’m finally done with that mess. I was quite proud of it anyways, haha.
At least I’m sure this should be a lot simpler. Everything was a loss (of course), and I just need to track down the "close enough" original payments for cost basis. I assume TurboTax will have another input form for this that makes it relatively simple - we’ll see.