Thank you all for your thoughts and recommendations!
Now that the holidays and excitement of welcoming our 6th grandchild (a healthy baby boy) to the world on Dec 20 have happened, I can get back to my Music appreciation/enjoyment project!
I decided to start with baby steps (i.e. lowest cost….and no pun intended) before a step function investment. I took @mclinnguy advice and ordered the ”12AU7A RCA Cleartop (side getter),SPECIAL MATCHED PAIRS” from Brent Jesse. They recently arrived and I’ve only got a couple of hours play time on them so far. I’ve not yet done the research on # of play hours I should expect for these tube to fully break in and provide their full audio characteristics (that is next on my audio To-Do list :-) ). My initial impressions of the these RCA Clear Tops is consistent with what @audphile1 described as sounding rather thin with unremarkable bass. I’ll do the research and let them settle in before passing judgement on their ability to get the sound I’m looking for.
@retiredaudioguy reading yours and others, who were kind enough to take time time to provide their thoughts, I definitely have Pass Labs on my radar if I end up needing to do a total integrated replacement. I had the Pass Labs INT-250 for sale on US Audiomart for < $8,000 on my watch list but didnt pull the trigger wanting to see how this tube rolling works.
@bluethinker if I do end up going the total integrated replacement route, do you think the 40 watt LTA you suggested would be a good match for my 84 dB sensitive Joseph Audio Perspective speakers?