Linn LP12 turntable

I was in my favorite audio store yesterday talking turntables… Rega P10, MoFi MasterDeck etc, when he stated he had a Linn LP12 he was selling for a customer at $2,400 & the customer had $14K (with upgrades) into it. Intriguing, but knew nothing about Linn. After my research, people seem to love it or hate it. But it is installed in many fine audiogon systems. 
I would like your thoughts and recommendations. 
I have asked the following questions of the dealer: 

1. Date of production 

2. Upgrades that have been added 

3. Power supply / tone arm

4. Condition 

5. Recently serviced

I have not yet seen it, but it is there now. What other questions should I ask?

My current analog system: 

Pro-ject 1xpression carbon classic with Hana ML

Rega Aria

PS Audio BHK pre

Simaudio Moon 330A amp

KEF R11’s

Advise would be greatly appreciated. 



The old saying……

‘It is easy to part a fool from his money!’


Springs to mind Tulip Mania (Dutch tulpenmanie)

The golden age of collectable bulbs began in 1634 and reached extraordinary levels of fashion and became a form of currency. ‘The Emperors Clothes’ story all over again because in 1637 the tulip prices dramatically collapsed. Fortunes were wiped out and peoples lives ruined.


This may not bode well for Deluxe, Anniversary, Special Edition (or however you want to dress it up) LP12 owners l fear.


Thats my logic by what has been posted lately.


I strongly doubt anyone who stepped up for the 50 year LP12 will be financially devastated even if the resale value goes to zero. Relax, guys.


True to form.

l have always found it to be very profitable to be just behind a self titled audiophile (is as good as it gets) and snap up the bargain second hand equipment.


Wow….that is logical!


Here are the before and after photos.

On the subject of plinths, Linn have just launched the Bedrok from their LP12-50 for all LP12s. It’s now available for a mere £8,750.

By the way, the LP12s with conversion from analogue to digital sound amazing. That’s because they significantly reduce the distortion, noise and interference that arises in analogue RIAA processing, pre-amplifiers and potentially crossovers.