Does You Subwoofer Settings ??

Do most find that subwoofer settings are not perfect for every song you play ??

Last year went to a SVS SB16 Sub and 95 percent of songs it sounds beautiful.

But other songs has boomy sound and I have tinnitus and guess at times think it may be my hearing ...

But at times would like to get a professional in that understands all the adjustments the SVS has that I do not understand..

Do others have this issue or is it that Subs can not be adjusted for every song that is played and the way it was recorded causes this at times ???

Tried to correct title  Your Subwoofer Settings !!!


I listened to the tracks that you mentioned.  I like your taste in music, btw.  I didn't find any of the songs boomy.  I turned up the volume higher than I typically would and no boominess.  

I have tinnitus as well. When I cranked the Kool and the Gang song, there is a high pitched synthesizer (I think) that was a bit piercing. 

Is the sub in a corner?  Somebody probably already asked that.  A corner can make things boomy. 

I suspect that you have the crossover and/or gain higher than what you need to get a flat frequency response. 

But, if you like where it's set for 95 percent of the music that you like, leave it there.  That's the advantage to a subwoofer that is easily adjusted. 

Yes the high pitch Kool and Gang Song I have to turn down for my ears..LOL...My Sub is approx 24 inches off wall and corner...See I do not understand all the language of Subwoofer and have to go by what others say and try and adjust .I am a big car guy and train and slot car person and can not read and understand ..So everything I do is by sound ...I contacted a Audio repair person and he gave me the number of person who may come out and help me..But that will not be before Fall..

So sls883 are you a sportster person ? 

You are getting standing waves if it's boomy, need to find what frequency is causing it, then change it.

Find a song that starts the boom, walk around the room to see if there are places where it doesn't boom. If it's a large part of the room, move your sub, so your listing position sounds good. 

If it is in the whole room, adjust the PEQ, always go down if you can, trying not to boost anything, just cut. 

If it's still an issue, do both, move the sub, and adjust PEQ. Might also need to adjust the XO point, as it could be interaction between the sub and mains. 

Many years ago, I bought my first Harley. As you guessed, an 883. Then a 1200 Sportster. Then a Deuce. I had custom tins and wheels on it. It was sweet, but not comfortable on long rides. Then a Road King. And finally, a Road King Custom. It was a sweet bike and I could ride it all day. But, I lived in Nebraska and the riding wasn’t great. All my biker friends were busy with kids and so was I, so I sold it.

No bikes now, but I have a 52 Chevy pickup and a 62 Chevy pickup.

My Sub is approx 24 inches off wall and corner

This is very likely not the best spot for the sub and probably a big part of your issue.  As I mentioned earlier, do the sub crawl method to find the spot(s) where it’ll likely sound much better and very possibly mitigate the problem.