Advice on making a speaker change

I am looking for thoughts and members experience when it comes to making a speaker change in their systems.  I am not looking for any specific speaker recommendations. 

I am using KEF Reference 107-1 speakers that I purchased new in 1987. They are the only speakers I've used for 38 years! The speakers were refurbished professionally 4 years ago with new surrounds, tweeter maintenance, and upgrades to crossover components and wiring. Everything else is original, including the KUBE outboard bass equalization, that was part of the speaker design.  

Over the past few years, I have upgraded my amplification and digital front end to my "end game" electronics of CODA16 amp and CODA 07X pre-amp, Playback Designs DAC, and Innuos Statement NG Streamer. My speakers are the last components from my original system.  I love many attributes of these KEF 107 speakers, but also recognize their weakness. They are 38 year old technology after all. 

My dilemma is twofold. I still think my speakers sound great in many ways. They are musically involving and still dazzle me on occasion. They have some weak points as do ALL speaker designs.   Secondly, auditioning new speakers is difficult at best, as it is so dependent on associated equipment and listening rooms. I know my ears are the ultimate decision maker, but getting a realistic comparison to my current speakers from shows or sessions at audio shops is not easy.  

Am I crazy to consider replacing these speakers? Have other members had the same dilemma and what was your outcome? Regrets or audio bliss? Talk me off the ledge or should I jump? Thanks!


@soix LOL, I guess every 38 years I can justify spending some money on new speakers. If I am going to do it, I want it to be a significant improvement over my current setup.

Yes, Rockport Atria is on the list too. My room isn't huge (13x15), so I want to avoid TOO big a speaker and overpowering the room.  


Just noticed that you are running a pair of REL S/510 subwoofers like I am. Coda amp.  Are you able to demo Von Schweikert? 

that’s a perfect room size. You have great components. ATC is a great brand too. 

@sls883 Yes, I know a dealer contact within driving distance that handles VS as well as several others. I have heard VS at shows and they are great speakers with, as you said, the RIGHT electronics. CODA is relatively warm and "tube like" for SS gear, I would imagine they would play nice together. 


@dmiller01 yeah, they are pretty revealing.  They play well with my Coda amp and LTA MicroZOTL preamp.  I've tried several cables and the Silversmith Audio Fidelium speaker cables and Black Cat Silverstar 88 interconnects work well.