VPI Classic 1 tone arm swap help needed


I need to replace tone arm, what is my best choice?

can I use SME IV.vi arm. ? would it work ? 

Is the SME IV.vi the best choice ? 

how big problems Im heading towards to?

Or should I just find different TT?


Thank you for input




I’m guessing whatever design chosen, if you can manage to fit something AND keep the original dustcover- that’s a win.

SME is another one of the "can’t go wrong" choices.

Also guessing a 12" could be fitted with some custom AB? Imagination seems to be the only limit for DIY projects.


12' is a tempting idea however 10" is most common size and 10" what I have access to,..... so as you can see choice is not real y complicated...

Keep you posted tomorrow after I speak with VPI tech.

I would sell the Classic 1 and buy a new VPI Forever Model One, without an arm. It has an armboard and would allow you to put whatever arm you want on it. Later if you want to change it out...no problem.



Great idea :) I'm gonna add on arm board to my classic it will do the same trick ! thanks for an idea !