Yes - quite simply I reconnect the sets of cables (input ICs & out SCs) between 2 amps. Move the amps themselves, if space requires. You swap in an amp, and then listen AS NORMAL to your preferred music material, for a duration. Rinse, repeat. For an experienced audiophile, the sonic differences (more importantly - your interpretation of them) will at first manifest, then solidify / stabilize, and finally become quite consistent over time.
Switchboxes meant to reduce swap-time is a false optimization. Such scenarios do 2 things:
- They fatigue or outright shut-off the portion of our brain that derives pleasure from music listening. This part is crucial to our subjective interpretation and overall listening experience.
- Fast AB comparisons further engage the brain's logical center, with powerful pattern matching that says: "yep that sounds similar enough; it's the SAME". That's why fast-switch AB or ABX tests often find little to no difference.