Power supply for ethernet switch?

Hi, All,


LOVING my DENAFRIPS Hermes/Pontus combo! WOW what a difference adding the Hermes made. I could not have been even hopeful for the improvement this made!


I just bought the TP Link TL-SG105 Ethernet Switch. I have been contemplating so many different paths here, including the setup from Small Green Computer with the Optical Module, power supply, etc. Very intriguing. But that's a little expensive and a lot of added wires,components, etc. I was also looking at the Silent Angel Bonn N8 switch...Would love to get some opinions on just adding a power supply to my new TP Link switch or would one of the other paths mentioned above be better?


If adding a power supply to the TP Link would be a worthwhile improvement, any recommendations, maybe even the 5V power supply from Small Green Computer?

Thanks in advance for your time and advice😊


Thank you @fastfreight. That is exactly my problem though is that once I hear it I can’t unhear it. This is exactly what gets me into trouble🤦🏼‍♂️🔫😂! 

Guy asks about changing the power supply on a switch that retails for $15.99 (including the power supply) and in less than a page we are recommending components that cost thousands of dollars. Audio at its best.

Guy asking about exact same items other guy previously bought.  Seems sort of appropriate to reply.  Guy lending experience and trying to be helpful.   No need for new guy to be so cynical.  :)

i  use    Fidelizer               into shunyata v 10 , works  great 

@kingbr I tried using an iFi iPower supply (had one lying around) on a TP-Link switch as well as on a Wi-Fi router and it did not do anything for me. Some people swear by upgrading the PS on a Router however in my case it just didn't work. Perhaps a LPS would have been better on a Router vs the iFi.

I have the Silent Angel Bonn N8 Switch and that made a significant improvement. Later on, I added an iFi Lan Purifier Pro (ethernet to fiber optical) which further improved things. I agree with Andrew of SGC that the optical module will make the biggest difference. That was a more dramatic upgrade in sound based on my audio memory.