Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers

So, I am getting rid of the wife (divorce, I am not burying her in the backyard!) and can now get big floor standing speakers. I currently have a Luxman integrated and model 30 Harbeth speakers, and a very good sub. Very neutral/natural sound, can listen for long sessions. But I don't get a very good image, and it seems a little too laid back. I listen mainly to singer-song writers, both male and female. Lots of acoustic/piano.

There are so many floor standers now, I'd like to shorten the list. Any suggestions to start my search? I am located in southern CA, so I can listen to almost any brand. Price should be under $100K. 

I may lose a wife, but so far the freedom/cash is worth it.

Thanks all!

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With the kind of music you listen to I would audition Magnepan speakers especially the larger models they give a you are there quality to music. 

As others have suggested, Soundlabs and high-watt OTLs or solid state, or humungous horns with low-watt SETs. Either way, you’ll be in bliss. Permanently single, but in bliss.

Whenever someone asks a generic question like this, 200 will respond with 200 different results.  I suggest spending a few $$$ and go to a couple of audio shows like the Tampa show coming up next month and Axpona and then go to a couple of dealers around the country to get a more intimate listening session or bring a couple pairs into your house for a 30 day trial. If you spend $100k on speakers and you decide you don’t like them, you will lose $20-$30k if you try to sell them.