Just reading your exchange with Atmasphere, it seems that the readings are repeated under all circumstances and also regardless of VTA and that the L and R channels read the same or possibly identically. Doesn’t this suggest that the measurements might be spurious, and by "spurious" I mean the result of some factor you and we are ignoring (not necessarily RFI). It just seems unlikely to me that two channels of two different cartridges would not at least slightly differ from one another in IMD. On the other hand, you seem to know what you are doing; I am not suggesting that you don’t. I hope we can agree as a separate issue that the differences between the two cartridges might be entirely due to the fact that they are mounted in two different tonearms, one of which is on a pod.
You wrote, "I created an CD IMD test file and played it via my Oppo player through to the preamp out. There is no measurable IMD (probably below the noise floor) except at max gain where the preamp is overloaded. So there’s no IMD being contributed by the Levinson no 38s at my normal listening level and 30dB higher also." Can you say more about the CD? In what way is it an IMD test file? (If it is to test for IMD, then ought there not to be an encoded signal that creates a control for a certain level of IMD? If so, in your statement are you saying that you see the control amount of IND encoded on your CD, and it is not augmented by passing through the linestage and amplifier or just the linestage. I am only questioning because the topic is interesting and to me worthy of discussion, because maybe I can learn something.