MissingCDs and records

Since I have had a long-standing hip problem (now being fixed,) I have physically been unable to play CDs and more significantly, records.  
I bought an outstanding streamer (Aurelac 200) to cope with my disability, and am very happy with the sound it’s producing .  However, I’m now finding that, despite the superlative sound of the Aurelac, I’m missing the experience of relishing individual discs and records which have their own character and speak to me. They’re like old friends you can’t replace with a stream.  Of course there are many advantages to streaming, including a universal discography to select from, but having that intimate contact with an artifact is a special feeling.


I’m glad you got your hips fixed, regardless of whether you’re streaming or not. I still play CDs, primarily because I want to enjoy the unique flavor of the TDK 1541a DAC chip used in my ancient Rotel RCD-855. It’s not particularly detailed, but its sweet analog sound draws me into the music.

Can't imagine what those four deletions would even say. How can this thread invite any kind of negativity?


Didn't read the deleted posts, but unfortunately there are a vocal few who are very against anyone playing LP or CD...

Agree completely. For me it's roughly a 50/50 mix of streaming and CDs. Whenever I stream something I really like I buy the CD. I also polish the disk once with Rain-X and always give CDs a spin on my old Bedini CD Clarifier before playing. Not sure how much difference the Clarifier makes (the Rain-X does), but I enjoy the ritual.

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