DDC Comparisons

anyone compared the Denfrips Iris 12th to the Gustard U18?

what else is out there in this price range?

I'm looking taking advantage of the better sound quality of I2S and sending my external clock signal to the DDC, which will then in turn send the clock signal to my DAC (Gustard X26 Pro) via HDMI

or maybe I should just upgrade my DAC.....


I'm connecting an Innuos Zen Mk3 streamer to a U18 and to a Gustard X-30 dac by i2s. It sounds great, but I haven't done any comparisons. 

I bought a used Iris for $400 and got a significant performance increase with my Musician Pegasus DAC using the i2S connection. On paper it seems like the U18 might be a slight step up but I’ve no idea how much better it sounds especially if you’re using an external clock, but I’m very happy with the Iris. All else being equal I’d probably go with the U18, and this like new unit through Amazon for $450 and free returns seems like a good deal. Hope this helps somewhat, and best of luck.


@soix The Denfrips is over $100 cheaper, but the ease of Amazon returns might make it a good possibility....