Removable headshells

Requesting input about headshell weight. My project is a 1983 Linn LP12. The tonearm will be a Jelco SA-250S. The cartridge will be a Sumiko Moonstone. The Moonstone compliance is 12x10-6 cm/dyn, which is at the lower end of the medium range. The Moonstone weight is 6.5 gm. This is my first go round with a removable headshell tonearm. My question is, how concerned do I need to be about the weight of the headshell? If I am understanding all of this stuff correctly, it seems that I should pick a slightly heavier headshell. Correct? Of course all suggestions are welcome.

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A heavy headshell ("too much weight") can be your friend if you want to use a low compliance cartridge and need to increase tonearm effective mass.  One very good one that I use with a Koetsu Urushi is the Ortofon LH9000, which weighs 18g, as compared to most of my other headshells that weigh 9 to 12g. I mounted it on my FR64S tonearm, which is already a high mass tonearm, but the FR headshells are not so great sounding. With the LH9000, the Urushi never sounded better.

I wouldn’t count the Moonstone as a low-compliance cartridge. It’s made in Japan, and thus spec’d at 100Hz rather than 10Hz (Euro). Its compliance is really more akin to 18 - 22 (@ 10Hz), which is into high-medium compliance territory. I certainly wouldn’t go out of my way adding a massy headshell here.

Also in general - it’s unlikely any MM cartridge would have compliance as low as 12 @ 10Hz. It’s MC cartidges that have a much stiffer suspension and robust damper because of how they work.

If you don't want to accept what I said, trust mulveling on this one.  A heavier than necessary headshell would be deleterious in this application.  

I use the head shells made by Pete Riggle of VTAF and Woody tonearm fame. The headshells are made of wood, and only 6 grams. He also provides a 5 gram brass weight for when it needs to be heavier. Also, I love the finger lift he designed. Real easy to use. 


Thanks everyone! It's all great input. My research reveals that there are more variables than expected with specs and ratings as I read and learn more about the subject. My take away here is to get a headshell in the 12 gram range to get started.  Also, one suggestion I have gotten is to try a Yamamoto headshell that is 10.6 grams. Any opinions about that one?