Why Do ~You~ Still Play CDs?

I'm curious why you still play CDs in the age of streaming. I recently got back into CD listening and I'm curious if your reasons align with mine, which are:

  • Enjoying the physical medium—the tactile nature of the case, the disc, the booklet, etc.
  • Forcing myself to actually listen to an album, versus being easily distracted by an algorithm, or "what's next" in my playlist.
  • Actually owning the music I purchase, versus being stuck with yet another monthly subscription.



"Why Do ~You~ Still Play CDs? " They come in handy when the internet goes down.  Also for a whee dab of nostalgia.  

I've read that a CD transport along with a great DAC will yield better sound reproduction than either vinyl or streaming. That's why I'm sticking with CDs; I can't imagine my system sounding any better! 

I never stopped. I'm from the old, old, OLD school. Never stopped playing my records, and, once digital sound reached a certain level, and I got a CD player, then my digital library started. I never throw away records or photographs. They're memories. CDs, less so, but still...

Still playing CDs here. This is where I’m at this is where I’m staying.

Already made the changes from vinyl to the present and I’m not doing it again.

One thing vinyl nostalgia always omits is they are a huge PITA.

You may call me a Luddite if you wish.