@brbrock i made alot of mistakes along the way. I do not feel that way about the 006 . Now regarding the innuos, I have been streaming from my laptop listening with YouTube music. Not the best quality but the kids seem to like it. I have ordered the pulsar with I2s with the Phoenix net switch. I’m hopping this is it. ( some how I doubt it) I have two new pieces comming in that i have been waiting on for almost a year. Response audio, the harmonia DHT output source switch, and Bill who designs and builds them has modified to accommodate a 300B , 2A3/ 45 tube by inserting an adjustable heater for the tube. All source components Dac,CD, turntable, tape all go through the DHT and absorb the harmonics into the preamp He, also said it can be used as preamp, the other product I’m waiting on is a completely costome unit and is the reason why I have been waiting . It is 300WPC Ganfet class D power amp with a DHT tube 300B/ 2a3 that stays in the circuit the entire time. I’m expecting delivery in the next month or so.