OP has a really confusing post. There is no Technics 1200. There is a 1200GR2, and the twice as expensive 1200G. I have not heard the G, but owned the original, made in Japan GR, and I did not care for the sound.
A kind of bigger issue may be ergonomics, where the VPIs are tweaker turntables for those who enjoy adjusting, and Technics are, pretty much, set and forget. The 78 speed, and fine speed control, on the Technics is also fantastic, a great opportunity to embrace the joys of 78s. Much better ergonomics than the VPI, IMHO. After market adaptor plates to change tonearms are made for both 1200 models, but it is a bit of a job to take off the bottom plate and mount them. I believe you would be limited to 9" tonearms with the adaptor plates.