Removable headshells

Requesting input about headshell weight. My project is a 1983 Linn LP12. The tonearm will be a Jelco SA-250S. The cartridge will be a Sumiko Moonstone. The Moonstone compliance is 12x10-6 cm/dyn, which is at the lower end of the medium range. The Moonstone weight is 6.5 gm. This is my first go round with a removable headshell tonearm. My question is, how concerned do I need to be about the weight of the headshell? If I am understanding all of this stuff correctly, it seems that I should pick a slightly heavier headshell. Correct? Of course all suggestions are welcome.

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Thanks everyone! It's all great input. My research reveals that there are more variables than expected with specs and ratings as I read and learn more about the subject. My take away here is to get a headshell in the 12 gram range to get started.  Also, one suggestion I have gotten is to try a Yamamoto headshell that is 10.6 grams. Any opinions about that one?

A difference of 1 or 2g can be ignored. Yamamoto makes excellent headshells. Go for it.

I wish I could help you, I have two Yamamoto headshells at my home in FL.  Tried them and didn't like them.  Unfortunately I am at my "summer" home right now in NH.  If you want to hold off 3 or 4 weeks I can gift you one.  They are excellent quality and highly regarded BTW.

@billstevenson Much appreciated but, I bought a Yamamoto before seeing your post. Thank you for the advice.

I also bought what's supposed to be a real Jelco headshell from Audio Sensibility. Evidently remaining stock from when they were a Jelco dealer. 

@lewm Thank you for your wise words.

@mulveling  Thank you too.