OP before I became involved on analog seriously. I bought good sacd players Marantz Sacd players SA 10 and Ruby . Thinking that sacd is very close to vynil? Not until I heard a very good analog set up to my friend house . He is using Lyra delis MC with SME 10 tonearm.I knew there is something special on vynil then that digital don’t have.i fell in love on vynil . I end up spending more than 20k for my 2 turntables and phono preamps and cabling.
My Analog Journey - Opinions Sought
When I first started out in this hobby 10 years ago, my first source was a Bluesound Node 2. Eventually I upgraded to a Lumin T2 which was a nice step up in sound quality and I’ve been happy with it ever since.
Around 2021 or so I decided I want to explore the analog side of things. With the guidance of this forum, I settled on a Technics SL1210GR, AudioTechnica VM760SLC cart, and a Herron VTPH1 phono stage.
Somewhere along the line I decided that I preferred the convenience of streaming and there my turntable sat. Collecting dust as they say.
Fast forward to two weeks ago. I decided that maybe it was time to start letting some of this gear go that I’m not using. The Herron was first up on the chopping block, but something told me I better turn this thing on and make sure it still works.
So, I hooked everything up. Dropped on Everybody Digs Bill Evans, a recording with which I’m well familiar. Well, I almost cried at how good it sounded. <Insert all the flowery audiophile language here>. The background was blacker. The tone richer, more air and separation around the instruments within the soundstage, and the imaging is more precise.
The difference between my digital and analog rig could not be more apparent. I heard someone say on this forum that you need to spend much more on digital to obtain the same results as analog; or maybe it was the other way around?
I am absolutely hooked on vinyl right now and don’t see myself turning back. Although I do see myself looking into MC carts in the not so distance future.
Thanks to everyone on this forum that shares their knowledge so freely. Comments welcome on future upgrades or anything else.....
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- 53 posts total
I would say that I've invested a similar and decent amount in digital and analog front ends and I like and use both. To me one of the advantages of digital is that media can be less expensive with the cost of CD's vs LP's. I've tried streaming but I don't have time for exploring new music and will probably sign up for Qobuz once I retire which would also give me access to more hi res. To me digital sounds more clear, but ultimately LP's sound much better and have this added dimension that sounds more real to me. I have a lot of music on my NAS that I listen to with Roon, but given the choice I'd much rather listen to an LP. I would add my system to my profile but haven't been able to figure out how to do that. |
Soundsmith has great info about cartridges I’ve never heard the Hana ML, I see many here choose it. Someone: bring yours to Plainfield, NJ, let’s hear it here!!!!! For my 1st Moving Coil I chose and highly recommend an Audio Technica AT33PTG/II (what an odd name). Similar Microline stylus tip, but it has a stiffer cantilever made of tapered boron rather than aluminum. Half the price of the $1,200. Hana ML at $600. (eBay new $470). I wish it had threaded fittings like the Hana ML for initial mounting ease. If you play a lot, and take a long view, then Soundsmith’s retip service can be a big advantage https://www.sound-smith.com/services/phono-cartridge-repair-restoration-tip-repair Imaging: I always find and compare channel separation/channel balance specs knowing you need to read about/ascertain/judge it’s sound characteristics separately. AT33PTG/II channel sep 30 db; channel balance 0.5db. those achieved performance specs provide exceptional imaging. AT has a trade in program, I sent my worn one to them, they sold me a new one at half price, I like it’s sound so much I didn’t even consider anything else. Cantilever Stiffness: I believe my ears/experiences as well as what I have read about the benefits of light/stiff cantilevers, the pinnacle material was beryllium. A big advantage is lighter tracking, advantageous to both your stylus life and your lp’s grooves, and (readily heard and enjoyed) improved quality of bass notes. Hana ML and AT33PTG/II both track at 2.0g. Shure’s beryllium V15Vxmr tracked at 1,0g. (beryllium use for cantilevers was halted for health concerns): I just bought a Vintage AT160ml microline on beryllium to join my collection of sapphire tube, boron, aluminum. I have to concentrate to hear subtle differences between the sapphire tube and boron, the AT160ml difference is discernible easily, it is wonderful, I am so glad I took a risk and bought it based on the memories, and happily it tracks at only 1.25g.
Why does it always come down to "what is better"? Neither are better or worse just different. I go back and forth between vinyl and streaming. No cd player, but have 2000 cd's in boxes in the garage, my collection is digitized on an HDD. Also have around 2k records. When I want to really listen to something, usually it's a record. When I want background music, or not sure what I'm in the mood for, it's streaming. Sound quality always comes down to the source recording. Some of my records sound better over streaming, some streaming sounds better over vinyl. For me, vinyl listening is usually more emotional, more focused. Downside of records will always be the time investment, also that everything is a wear item. Everything needs to be clean/cleaned, storage of LP's, the entire analog, manual process. Listening to vinyl is deliberate, streaming is always more convenient. |
Viewing your virtual system, it is so much easier to offer advice, my comments are based on concentrating initial soundwaves, controlling/eliminating too soon reflections, for two reasons: the purer imaging you will experience, and once rear sound waves minimized: move the TT into the top of the stand in the recess behind/between the speakers, away from it’s current side position. Perhaps also cover the recess surfaces with absorbent material, or a sliding curtain/panel to cover the recess during play. My advice is to consider changing your speakers, getting rid of the rear ports and then: what makes enough bass that you would not need subwoofers? If subwoofers, I would recommend front firing, not bottom firing, a stereo pair as you have now, as any mono note’s overtones become directional rather quickly, giving imaging clues to the origin of the fundamentals. I love JSE Model II’s, and for your space their smaller Model 1’s would sound terrific, I helped my friend with his in a NYC Apt, and my son has a pair, they include both of Richard Modafferi’s patents. JSE Infinite Slope Model 1 Review Here’s two pairs, 1 black, 1 wood veneer, both would need replacement tweeters (easy), new grill cloth (easy). Either local pickup you would pay UPS Pack and Ship yourself, just have seller drop them off unpackaged/ After you fall in love with them, change them to 3 wheels, not 4, (anti-tip rear corner blocks) have a woodworker cover them in a beautiful veneer or ...... they would look as good as they sound. add it all up, still not a lot of money and good luck equalling their amazing sound, the Infinite Slope Crossover is amazing. .....................................................
Joseph Audio still uses Modafferi's Infinite Slope Crossover System impedance indicates whether the speaker presents a "hard" or "easy" load on the amplifier. True 8 ohm speakers are less amplifier and cable sensitive, and partner well with a broader range of amplifiers, including tube designs.Crossovers: Asymmetrical Infinite Slope Crossover at 2 kHz.Constructed of specially selected components, Each individual network is precisely adjusted, resulting in a virtually perfect match to the original prototype.The steep filter slopes ensure good acoustical behavior in the crossover regions, with a minimum of acoustical interference, along with low distortion and wide dynamic range. Driver acoustic responses are in-phase throughout the crossover regions. |
- 53 posts total